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MCM partnership with SHAREWORK


MCM is a partner of SHAREWORK, a European project that explores the theme of collaborative robotics. The project involves the participation of 15 partners from 6 EU countries.

MCM follows one of the four use cases considered by the project, the one related to mechanical processing and intends to apply the innovative concepts of collaborative robotics on its own plant installed at CEMBRE In addition to the Brescia-based company, two other partners, the CNR-STIIMA institutes of Milan and CNR-ISTC of Rome, contribute by providing the implementation structure based on the results of their technical-scientific research.

Through collaborative robotics there is a direct involvement between man and robot, which deals with the most heavy and repetitive actions, leaving man free to apply the best of his intelligence, experience and ability to optimize the exploitation of the plant and solve problems in the best possible way. MCM uses these dynamics especially during the workpiece loading and unloading cycles. The great challenge remains safety, especially when it comes to the interaction between man and robot.